
Audew Vacuum Sealer

If you are cooking big cuts of BBQ frequently it’s likely you will end up with leftovers, and I used to stuff these into freezer bags and stick them in the freezer ready to reheat.

But, the amount of times a bag has split or torn in the freezer, and then the meat can get freezer burn. Well a good vac sealer can really help with this and there are a number of them out on the market. But recently I’ve had the Audew smart vacuum sealer to play with and I have to say it does a good job. The suction is a lot stronger that on the 3yr old model from a super market chain I had been using.

Apparently the Audew has an 80kpa suction, not sure if that’s a good number but it seems to work well. This really helps to get all of the oxygen out of the bags, rolls or pouches you are using. This model also has a variety of different suction levels depending on the type of food you are sealing, wet or dry etc. In my experience with any food with liquid in the pouch you still have to be quick on the draw as the liquid rises in the bag towards the heating element.

The seal has seemed pretty strong on all the foods I have used the sealer on so far, this is especially important when you are re-heating any food when using a water bath/sousvide for example. The sealing bar is 30cmx3mm meaning you can seal some quite large pouches or rolls. The top surface is stainless steel and so is easy to wipe clean after use.

They also kindly supply 10x vac seal bags in the box in 2 sizes. There is also a suction hose that can be used with any containers that allow suction. And there is also a spare seal ring too. Audew also provide a 2yr warranty on the units too.

The unit is currently available through Amazon at £46.99, correct at time of going to press.

For clarity, I was sent this unit for review but am entitled to publish my own and honest opinions.


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