The PK360 Grill is a solid cast Aluminium grill hailing from the USA. It’s a grill that’s been hard to get here in the UK until relatively recently with Pro Smoke BBQ importing the grills into the UK.

The PK stands for Portable Kitchen and the PK 360 Grill certainly is this. It’s very sturdy and rugged a real retro grill, but without the weight of a ceramic grill. The main body of this charcoal grill is 2 cast Aluminium clam shells, even the hinges are cast into the body. This gives real feeling of longevity, that it won’t rust away, and that you’ll be handing this grill down to your grandkids.

Heat control is really effective with rotating air inlets in the base, and swivel vents in the top of the grill. This allows you to control heat and give zones and good heat flow within the grill. A small amount of charcoal very effectively cooks a whole load of food.

I’ve been really impressed with the PK360 and have some great cooking vids on their way, but I wanted to give you an idea of the features of this grill.
Make sure to check out my full video of this grill below.
I was given this grill to review, but am free to express my thoughts on it.